John D. Reeve | Zoology Program | SIU

Southern Illinois University



College of Agriculture, Life and Physical Sciences

John D. Reeve

Associate Professor Emeritus


Office: 355F Life Science II
Phone: 618-453-6670

My research has focused on predator-prey systems, including the origin of cycles in these systems and how dispersal affects their dynamics. I also have interests in population ecology, genetics, and quantitative ecology.


Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara

Courses taught

ZOOL 557 (Biostatistics), ZOOL 558 (Advanced Biostatistics), ZOOL 577 (Population Ecology)

Areas of interest

Predator-Prey Systems, Dispersal, Quantitative Ecology

Selected Recent Publications

Costa, A., and J. D. Reeve. 2011. Upwind flight response of the bark beetle predator Thanasimus dubius towards olfactory and visual cues in a wind tunnel. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 13: 283-290.

Costa, A., and J. D. Reeve. 2011. Olfactory experience modifies semiochemical responses in a bark beetle predator. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37: 1166-1176.

Costa, A., and J. D. Reeve. 2012. The effect of larval predators Thanasimus dubius (Coleoptera: Cleridae), produced by an improved system of rearing, against the southern pine beetle/Dendroctonus frontalis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Biological Control 60: 1-6.

Reeve, J. D., and J. T. Cronin. 2009. Edge behaviour in a minute parasitic wasp. Journal of Animal Ecology, in press. 

Reeve, J. D., B. L. Strom, L. K. Rieske-Kinney, B. D. Ayres, and A. Costa. 2009. Geographic variation in prey preference in bark beetle predators. Ecological Entomology 34: 183-192.

Reeve, J. D., J. T. Cronin, and K. J. Haynes. 2008. Diffusion models for planthopper movement incorporating heterogeneity among substrates, individuals, and edge behaviors. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 898–904.

Schrey, N. M., A. W. Schrey, E. J. Heist, and J. D. Reeve. 2008. Fine-scale genetic population structure of southern pine beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Mississippi forests.Environmental Entomology 37: 271-276.

Lips, K. R., F. Brem, R. Brenes, J. D. Reeve, R. A. Alford, J. Voyles, C. Carey, L. Livo, A. P. Pessier, and J. P. Collins. 2006. Emerging infectious disease and the loss of biodiversity in a Neotropical amphibian community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103: 3165-3170.

Cronin, J. T. and J. D. Reeve. 2005. Host-parasitoid spatial ecology: a plea for a landscape-level synthesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 272: 2225-2235.

Heck, N. M., J. D. Reeve, and F. A. Anderson. 2005. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of the bark beetle predator Thanasimus dubius F. (Coleoptera: Cleridae) reveals regional genetic differentiation. Molecular Ecology 14: 3317-3324.

Reeve, J. D. and B. L. Strom. 2004. Some statistical problems encountered in semiochemical trapping studies of scolytids and associated insects. Journal of Chemical Ecology 30: 1575-1590.