Graduate Students
Ahmed Ahmed
Graduate Student
A population genetics study of Ethiopian termites in the genus Macrotermes.
Haitham Alnaqeb
Graduate Student
Reconstruction the phylogeny of Heligmosomidae (Nematoda, Trichostrongylina) in North America and redefining their taxonomy.
Sara Anzalone
Graduate Student
Investigation of pesticide transfer through trophic pathways to juvenile Chinook salmon of the San Francisco Bay Delta, California
Tiffanie Atherton
Graduate Student
Population genetic structure of Eastern Woodrats in the Shawnee National Forest: Effects of bottleneck and conservation reintroduction of a r-selective species.
Jared Bilak
Graduate Student
Common mudpuppies (Necturus maculosus) are large aquatic salamanders native to the Great Lakes region and were listed as threatened in Illinois in 2010. I am funded by the Shedd Aquarium’s Daniel P. Haerther Center for Conservation and Research and am studying the natural history of mudpuppies. My specific objectives are to: (1) Assess individual movements, home range sizes, and habitat selection in response to seasonal changes in water temperatures; (2) Estimate population size, sex ratios, temperature dependent catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE), and seasonal diet shifts; and (3) Determine the physiological mechanisms underlying seasonal activity patterns, particularly increased activities during the coldest months. My study will help inform the conservation and management of mudpuppies throughout the Great Lakes region.
Kelsey Bowe
Graduate Student
Studying adult frog communities and diets to assess the effects of stream restoration on aquatic to terrestrial food web subsidies. Research compares areas of restored sections (man made rock riffles) to non restored sections of the upper Cache River in Illinois.
Kennan Bruening
Graduate Student
Determining natal origins of White Bass using otilith microchemistry.
Alexander Catalano
Graduate Student
Alexander’s researching several species to determine a surrogate species for the Bigheaded Carps in the Illinois River comparing habitat use, dam passage, and movement using acoustic telemetry.
Zuyi Chen
Graduate Student
The effect of neonicotinoid insecticides on honeybees.
Caleb Crawford
Graduate Student
Spatial and population ecology of northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) in southern Illinois.
Jason Dallas
Graduate Student
Jason has conducted research on Ranavirus presence in amphibian communities in Missouri, the gastro-intestinal microbiome of snakes, and analyzing aspects of lizard physiology.
Andrew Derby
Graduate Student
Impacts of global warming on bioconcentration, bioaccumulation, and toxicity of permethrin in aquatic species.
Hudman Evans
Graduate Student
Comparison of resource use By invasive Black Carp and native fish Using isotopic niche analysis.
Joshua Ferguson
Graduate Student
An organismal biologist at heart, I'm interested broadly in the natural history, ecology, and conservation of neotropical amphibians
Ricky Flamio
Graduate Student
Genomic resource development for Scaphirhynchus sturgeons: Use of next-generation sequencing technologies to inform management decisions for two hybridizing species in the Missouri and Mississippi River Basins.
Tatiana Gettelman
Graduate Student
River otter ecology in southern Illinois: Survival rates and causes of mortality, rest site use, and natal den site selection.
Alexander Glass
Graduate Student
Grassland community responses to vegetation structure, patch size, and management actions.
Michael Glubzinski
Graduate Student
Progressing and utilizing hydroacoustics to assess spatial and temporal patterns of Bigheaded Carp habitat use (Hypophthalmichthys spp.) in the upper Illinois River.
Wilson Guillory
Graduate Student
Phylogenetics of dendrobatid frogs and phylogeographic methods development.
Carly Haywood
Graduate Student
Determining armadillo dispersal rates and corridor use along with testing armadillos for the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi and Mycobacterium leprae.
Katie Heiden
Graduate Student
Use of stable isotopes, fatty acid analyses, and immune function assays to assess stream and riparian food web connectivity along a hydrologically altered low gradient river.
Ben Hendrickson
Graduate Student
Distribution and abundance of breeding Mississippi Kites (Ictinia mississippiensis) in southern Illinois.
Lindsay Hseih
Graduate Student
The effects of hydrology and organic matter resources on macroinvertebrate community production in southeastern coastal wetlands.
Logan Kent
Graduate Student
Investigating the effects of climate change stressors, increasing salinity and temperature, on toxicity of pyrethroid insecticides to resistant Hyalella azteca.
Micah Miller
Graduate Student
Habitat use, nest-site selection, and nutrient sources of Arctic sea ducks in a rapidly changing world.
Giovanni Molinari
Graduate Student
Improving the intestinal health of fish fed a plant-based diet through traditional nutritional programming, broodstock programming, and dipeptide supplementation.
Omar Morales
Graduate Student
Examining the relationship between consumer physiology and behavior and vegetation communities.
Morgan Muell
Graduate Student
Elucidating phylogeny and phylogeographic patterns among Ranitomeya, the thumbnail poison frogs, through utilization of genomic tools and Bayesian phylogenetics.
John O'Connell
Graduate Student
Modeling patterns of wetland inundation in Illinois.
Sam Patula
Graduate Student
Nutritional programming and gut biome health of Danio rerio fed with high soybean meal diets.
Joshua Peters
Graduate Student
Filling out the phylogeny of freshwater mussels within the group Lampsilini: Using molecular data to improve understanding of the development of reproductive strategies in order to provide a possible source of data to guide conservation techniques.
Victoria Phillips
Graduate Student
The goal of Victoria’s project is to survey the ticks species found in the southern Illinois area and screen them for tick-borne diseases (TBDs) to create an up-to-date TBD risk map of Southern Illinois
Ayana Scott-Elliston
Graduate Student
Ayana’s researching the role of the gut microbiome on growth, development, pathogen resistance, and immune system education in wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) using multiple molecular ecology techniques including next-generation sequencing.
Nolan Smith
Graduate Student
Gene expression profiling in heat-stressed Scaphirhynchus sturgeon.
Claire Snyder
Graduate Student
Microchemical analysis of native fish passage through Brandon Road Lock and Dam. Claire is examining signatures of river residency across life histories in different species of native fish using the technique of microchemistry to determine whether fish have passed upstream through Brandon Road Lock and Dam, a structure outside of Chicago that has been proposed for modification to prevent upstream movement of aquatic invasive species. Native fish species movement may also be impacted and has not been studied to this point.
Rachel Steiger
Graduate Student
Perceptions and valuation of Southern Illinois University Campus Lake as a recreation space and educational tool.
Nikki Walker
Graduate Student
Nikki’s project focuses on manipulating rodent physiological function and will use an automated tracking network to conduct an extensive study of individual movements on the landscape. Additionally, the project will use experimental stable isotope enrichment to close the loop between bottom-up and top-down forces in the Chihuahuan desert ecosystem of central New Mexico.